
Everything starts at Elmwood Park this year.  Google Maps Link Here

Parking near Elmwood Park in Downtown Roanoke is easy if you plan ahead and are open to paying a few dollars. PARK Roanoke garages and parking lots have a maximum daily rate of $8, you may find closer street lots by private owners at a higher cost. If you’re set on free parking, plan to arrive after 5:00PM when the Elmwood Garage is free or to spend a little time exploring the Market and Elmwood areas for 2-hour street parking.

Elmwood Park Garage and Parking Lot

  • The closest lot for both the Expo and Race
  • Free after Friday at 5:00PM and then Free all weekend — Accessible from Williamson Ave. entrace.
  • Cost to park before 5:00PM is $2/hour (daily max $8) — Must enter from 201 Tazewell Ave. SE

Free Parking

  • 2-hour street parking can often be found within a few blocks (best options: Church Ave, Campbell Ave, Luck Ave, and Norfolk Ave)
  • Elmwood Park Garage and Parking Lot are free Saturday

Elmwood Park is easily accessible by foot from the Market Area in Downtown Roanoke. If you’re staying at a Downtown hotel, ask at the front desk how to get to Elmwood Park!

Click Here for General Information on Parking in Downtown Roanoke

Slow-K Parking

The Sunday Slow-K starts and finishes at Black Dog Salvage.